Saturday, October 16, 2010

4th last weekend Tortoises

Cold Choco milk in the early morning always felt like slurping sludge
this is my fourth weekend on a countdown till freedom is seized from me
nah, it's not that bad, but got to get a little self-pity
gonna get going soon, or i'll be late again
it'll be a whole two days of fun
to create a whole lot of memories
that might be useful in weeks to come

Work is going to be going full blast
as the main project is about to commence
life's just gonna get exciting, ain't it?
so LOL and live it
stay happy


Thursday, August 26, 2010

it ends tonight, it ends tonight

today, 25 of august, is where my YOG journey as a volunteer would end
i would declare that it was a fruitful and purposeful journey
fruitful; as i have taken photos with tom daley and megan sylvester
purposeful; as i have spend my free time volunteering and i have learnt many skills
like from guiding of groups to taking care of kids

it will be difficult for me to not wake up tomorrow and head for the village
and once again my life will be back to slacking and working
i had really really enjoyed the company of my fellow volunteers and it had been an enjoyable 10++ days

rather than making this post sounds gloomy
China boys will be back soon!
they're coming back on the 27th, 5am or so
the train doesn't even operate that early
but once they're back i have new company, hopefully
Have a safe trip back home!
i'll be waiting,haha


Friday, August 20, 2010

The 5th Day at YOV

i was lazy to blog on what happened from the first to the fourth day
basically i'm working as a tour guide in the Youth Olympic Village
i bring S'pore Primary and Secondary student around the village
to experience and learn about YOG and most of all, have FUN

Today i was facilitating Monfort Junior School
i had enjoyed the interaction again, they were a bunch of cooperative kids
they were a little talkative, they liked to be heard and i just can't get them to get into two neat lines while touring the village
the reason might be that they're really excited
throughout the last half of the tour, they were really hungry
some of them kept bugging me about hunger
with their young hungry faces, i feel for them, but i can't do much

how can i forget about the kid whom have a strong passion for softball,
i felt it
he told me his story about how he got into the school's softball team
very exciting story he told
i was motivated by him, not very much, but he did attract my attention for one.

Before he left, he asked if i had facebook, he was the only one that i was willing to say "yes, i have"
i can't image if all of them adds me, Haha, disastrous

also while i was briefing the school for one of the station,
this old guy came up to me and took a friendship-band-looking-bracelet and shoved it near my hand but not on my hand
and then it dropped onto the ground
to think about it, i then realised he was trying to wear the friendship-band-looking-bracelet on me
but it dropped
i picked it up
and he was pushing it to me
in his foreign language
he said stuff, stuff that i can't decipher till now
i bet he said he's giving me the friendship-band-looking-bracelet
i guess that from his body language
i thanked him with my best body language thanking
it all happened super fast
i guess he is a colombia's NOC
cos the friendship-band-looking-bracelet says colombia

The receiving of the bracelet makes me feel happy and special
i guess it was lucky
if i could meet him again, i would show him the the bracelet fits well and properly thank him again.

Okay i have to prepare for day 6, take care and goodnight


Monday, August 9, 2010

New Found Friend (talking bout' friendship, relationship's overrated)

let me pour out my thoughts on what would happen when my friend (anyone of them) gets a GF.

what you'll be losing is the
together time (you used to have)
no more talks on how good it feels to be single
lesser activity which will cost more bucks (cos money goes to GF)

and when you meet up, it's all about his GF this, or his GF that
okay, okay i'm just being a pessimist

this time when i'm put to the test, it's different
i know what would eventually become and decided to move on with my life
so get another friend, but it ain't so easy
it takes with a huge scoop of affinity
but what happens when you befriend your friend's brother?

i'm in a good position to explain this
I had experience the almost exact feelings I felt (when the friendship had just started out my your friend) from the brother
well, people do change through time, you'll be experiencing them differently, at different phase
but the surprising thing is that the lost feeling does still exist and could be retrieved
little things, like hanging out with the brother triggers memories or sometimes when stronger, déjà vu
it was like time travelling back in time to my friend
and I would reflect on how that time was simple and blissful
at the same time, realisation would make me feel that I should treasure the current time I am existing in
therefore, i strongly think that i should embrace the present

to me, this experience was interesting and fascinating
thus i wanted to share about it
but i took a long ass time to type it out
to explain it the way i thought was most appropriate


Monday, August 2, 2010

not posting enough

let me start with what i did today:

Nationals (LifeSavingCompetition)

this year, i'm one of those who comes late, sits and watching the com.
i wasn't much into the whole com.
except when it comes to our own competitors, i would shout, cheer them on
indeed, the club has improved this year!
we bagged a sliver medal
we only won a bronze last year, so it's considered as an improvement
so i guess our competitors are now celebrating or sleeping at the loft

And what i have been doing lately:

YOG (Volunteer)

i've joined YOG as a volunteer
thanks to my friends, they got me in
okay, back to my role in YOG
i'm ushering students ( from S'pore primary and secondary schools ) around the Olympic Village Square
although i'm not enlisted early ( yup, i'm still pissed about it ), but at least i'm doing something that's worth my time
to me it will be one of the events that the country would remember long enough till i die
so i''m officially commencing my duty on 16th August ( haha, that would be the day when the brothers unite )
i went to the YOG opening rehearsal last friday
and it was freaking awesome, that's what i think tho
it's better than this year's NDP, haha, it's my opinion
Anyway, i'm happy to be involved in YOG


Saturday, June 19, 2010


Belated Bro's Birthday

I totally forgot one of my best friend's birthday
yup screw me
what a friend
he finally booked out after being confine for 2 weeks
so i went out with him and everything's my treat
have to mend up by treating him food and movie

Enough about that.

i went as a supporter
and the best news i have is that we won 3rd placing for rope throw
all credit goes to emmeline and zikun

take care dudes
happy 108th day in Shanghai!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

PS3 still out of commission

tell you what sucks the most

It's when you have a PS3 and you can't play it

i had went all the way to Wisma Atria to collect it yesterday night
sony sent me a sms ard 7pm and i felt that i just have to collect it, hoping to have a good time in the night
got to cab there as i have to reached there before 9pm or it'll be closed and it cost 16bucks
waited for ard 30mins before my turn
i passed my collection ticket to the customer care officer
he typed some stuff then went to get my PS3 and passed it to me in this almost over-used sony plastic (well it's at least a sony plastic bag)

I was worried if the PS3 was really repaired, so i asked if it was working or not
that person replied 'if it wasn't working, we wouldn't call you right?'
well, not much to ask then
i further ask if it was not working would he fund me the transportation fee to take it back
he kinda surrendered and gave me his name card and said i could call him and service man would come to pick it up if it was faulty

unfortunately, when i went home and test my console, there was no visual on the TV
first was because the console couldn't read my game discs and after them servicing it now have no visual
so my friend had advice me not to call back to the annoying customer care officer
he would rather me send an email to the higher ups

so i will heed his advice
he's helping to to draft a complain letter, he's good at that
hopefully sony people get to read my email tomorrow
and give me a call
i just want them to send technician to my home and fix my PS3 ASAP
wanna treasure all my time to play it

that's all the rambling
